[GNU - C, C++] 리눅스(Linux) - 사진 압축 자동화 도구(g++, 쉘(Shell)) (1/2)
이번에 소개할 내용은 리눅스에서 g++ 프로그래밍으로 ImageMagicK을 활용하여 사진 압축 자동화 도구에 대해서 소개하고자 한다.
오전에 잠깐 오픈소스 번역 프로젝트(LxQt -> FeatherNotes)에 잠시 참여하였다.
관심을 가져도 될만하다.
This time, I will introduce a photo compression automation tool using ImageMagicK with g++ programming on Linux.
In the morning, I briefly participated in the open source translation project. It deserves attention.In the morning, I briefly participated in the open source translation project (LxQt -> FeatherNotes).
1. Lanuchpad, http://launchpad.net , Accessed by 2021-04-06, Last Modified 2021-04-06.
2. Enterprise Open Source and Linux | Ubuntu, https://ubuntu.com, Accessed by 2021-04-06, Last Modified 2021-04-06.
3. OpenSSL Foundation, http://www.openssl.org, Accessed by 2021-04-06, Last Modified 2021-04-06.
4. Welcome! - The Apache HTTPServer Project (Apache Foundation), https://httpd.apache.org, Accessed by 2021-04-06, Last Modified 2021-04-06.
5. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, https://www.php.net, Accessed by 2021-04-06, Last Modified 2021-04-06.
6. RFC 2460 - Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification(IETF), https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2460, Accessed by 2021-04-06, Last Modified 2021-04-06.