• ARM GCC Toolchain 6.3.1 with upstream versions: gcc (ARM/embedded-6-branch revision 249437), GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain: 6-2017-q2-update
• Atmel Studio 7.0.1931 contains fixes for the following issues that were present in 7.0.1645: – AVRSV-8001: Tool firmware upgrade instability. – AVRSV-8063: ELF production file programming did not support fuses for ATtiny817 family. – AVRSV-8075: Launch of debugging with ATSAM4L unstable in some cases. – AVRSV-7895: Solution with links between projects compiles wrong file. – AVRSV-7745: Linked files in subfolder causes build failure. – AVRSV-7939: Function breakpoint fails for AVR devices. – AVRSV-8005: Writing fuses and memory fails in some cases on M0+ devices.
Atmel Studio 7.0.1645 Atmel Studio 7.0.1645 contains:
• ARM GCC Toolchain 6.3.1 with upstream versions: gcc (ARM/embedded-6-branch revision 249437), GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain: 6-2017-q2-update
• Atmel Studio 7.0.1645 contains fixes for the following issues that were present in 7.0.1417: – AVRSV-7798: ATtiny817 fuse programming from ELF issue fixed. – AVRSV-7742: Compiling an imported Arduino sketch for Arduino zero shows error. – AVRSV-7903: Studio automatically sets GPNVM bits [7:8] thereby enabling TCM. – AVRSV-7892: Writing SAML22 RWW flash fails. – AVRSV-7889: Skewed debug info for AVR 8-bit in AS 7.0.1417. – AVRSV-7883: Incorrect warning message for KB2978092 during installation of AS 7.0.1417. – AVRSV-7106: Hex parser fails on UNIX® line endings. – AVRSV-4914: Add support for new avr-gcc __int24 and __uint24 types. – AVRSV-7877: Devices with external SRAM fails to calculate available SRAM. – AVRSV-7845: Crash in _ReallyTerminateAfterLaunchFinished. – AVRSV-7834: Pack manager fails to download CMSIS DFPs. – AVRSV-7876: Add checksum fields to http header for KitsDatabase.xml. – AVRSV-7854: NaN values not handled by atprogram. – AVRSV-7911: Problems reading device ID on ATmega4809. – AVRSV-7202: Arduino Library Grouping can have better representation. – AVRSV-7927: Security Bit Window in Device Programming should not always be available depending on the MCUs. – AVRSV-7973: Chip erase outside prog session fails on SAM4L. – AVRSV-7961: FUSE configuration warning for BOD( BODCFG.LVL) is incorrect in Atmel Studio. Note: QTouch® Composer extension must be updated to version 5.9.122 or later to work with Atmel Studio 7.0.1645. Atmel Studio 7.0.1417 Atmel Studio 7.0.1417 contains a fix for the following issue that was present in 7.0.1416:
• AVRSV-7827: New WinUSB driver fails to install on 32-bit Windows
Atmel Studio 7.0.1416 The following changes are done in Atmel Studio 7.0.1416:
• Changed driver to WinUSB for AVR Dragon™, AVRISP mkII, JTAGICE mkII, JTAGICE3, AVR ONE!, STK®600, and QT600
• Installer improvements
• Improved support for installing older device family packs